Alright ya'll I'm back
No really
For real this time
Like permanately
All the time, blogger
First I want to say thanks so much for sticking around to all my followers
Also I hit 26,000 views while I was away, which is just awesome!
Thank you to absolutely everyone that has came across, and read my little blog.
Thank you for following through my marriage, divorce, and new start
I deleted pretty much everything on here that was tied to my past
NO MORE of that, this is my life and my blog
My story
Last time I wrote I believe I was telling ya'll
I moved away, was starting over
blah, blah, blah
Well truth is, I went to Florida because I was expecting
Yep, yours truly was prego
Unfortunately I lost the baby
To be honest, I was devastated
I wanted to be a mom so bad, but I guess it wasn't the time
I started to get homesick and I started to miss my ex
I wanted to come home
And I did
I risked alot by coming back, and now I risk losing just about everything I have
because I took a chance
And now, it's over
Regret?? No, not really
In the past, I always wandered
What if that relationship would've worked?
What if I would have given it everything I have?
This time I know, I gave it all I had, I took a risk
But sometimes, it just doesn't work
Even though I might lose things, I also learned things
Like, how to spend all day alone and not go crazy
New laundry tactics
What a quarter scale car is
How to scrape tires :)
To speak up
To make my own decisions
I also met a pretty awesome recipe fairy C*
(You can make anything using canned chicken)
All of those things, he taught me
I'm done looking at things as a waste of time
I learned things from our relationship
That's what is important right?
But in the future I will definitely have certain things I'm looking for that are
100% required and are UN-uncompromisable
Because I deserve it!
Stick around ya'll
Those canned chicken recipes are coming soon...who know's maybe C* will guest post